Harbor Assistance Solutions
Harbor Star provides harbor assistance, lighterage, towage, ship salvage, ship management, diving and underwater marine works, and other specialized services. The Company is capable of immediately deploying its assets and personnel anywhere in the Philippines and Asia.
Harbor Assistance
We assists more than 5,500 vessels per year throughout the Philippines.
We provides regular and emergency towing throughout the Philippines
We capable of transporting various commodities using tug and barge.
Salvage Ship
Harbor Star has the largest private inventory of salvage and oil spill equipment which is strategically deployed in Manila and other provinces
Harbor Star is duly accredited by the Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB) for General Building and Engineering and others
Diving & Marine Maintenance
We are dedicated group, the DIVING & MARINE MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT have now diversified into a multi-faceted group
Harbor Star Shipping Services, Inc
25th Anniversary AVP
We are committed to fair, timely, and ongoing disclosure as a means of achieving high levels of management transparency.
This is intended to promote understanding of the company by its shareholders and investors and other market participants, encourage them to properly assess the company’s value, and feedback market opinions to the management of Harbor Star Shipping Services, Inc.
Investors Relations
Transforming while performing
We are committed to fair, timely, and ongoing disclosure as a means of achieving high levels of management transparency. This is intended to promote understanding of the company by its shareholders and investors and other market participants, encourage them to properly assess the company’s value, and feedback market opinions to the management of Harbor Star Shipping Services, Inc.